Congratulations, and welcome to your new baby! The few weeks after you have your baby can be very challenging and very rewarding. There are a number of resources and groups in the community that provide support for new parents. Here are some suggestions of where to start looking for information. Your GP or practice nurse will be able to advise which resources might be most helpful for you.
Parental wellbeing:
If you developed a problem such as high blood pressure or diabetes during the pregnancy, you are more at risk of developing these conditions in the future. You doctor will tell you how often you need to be checked following the pregnancy.
- If you had gestational diabetes during the pregnancy, it is recommended you have a yearly blood test with your doctor. If you continue the diet you were prescribed during the pregnancy, this can help prevent or delay the development of Type II diabetes.
- If you had gestational hypertension or pre-eclampsia, you are advised to have a yearly blood pressure check with your doctor.
**Chest or upright manual defrost deep freezer that is opened infrequently and maintains ideal temperature
*Reproduced with permission from National Health and Medical Research Council 2012, Infant Feeding Guidelines. NHMRC, Canberra p59.
Osteoporisis Australia:
- How to improve your vitamin D and calcium levels for bone health
Family Planning Victoria: - postnatal-contraception
Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia - 1300 726 306
(For mothers and fathers)
Beyond Blue:
‘Pregnancy and early parenthood’ , ‘Dadvice’ - short videos on fatherhood for new and experienced dads.
-tips, information and links to other services help fathers understand and connect with their baby and support their partner
Australasian birth trauma association:
- Information on physical and psychological birth trauma.
The Pink Elephants Support Network:
- Pregnancy after loss, Postpartum wellbeing
‘The Discontented Little Baby Book’ by Dr Pamela Douglas, ‘Becoming Mum’ by Koa Whittington, ‘Toddler Taming’ by Christopher Green and other books are available to borrow from reception
Feeding baby:
Breastfeeding helpline:
1800 686 268.
If you need an interpreter call 131 450, request the language you need, and ask to be put through to the breastfeeding helpline.
Australian Breastfeeding Association:
Detailed breastfeeding information, including expressing and storing breast milk.
Lactation consultants of Australia and New Zealand:
‘Find a lactation consultant near you’
The lactation unit at the hospital where you delivered your baby and your visiting CaFHS nurse can also provide support. You can also make an appointment with Helen Davis who works as a lactation consultant at this clinic. T o book, call
Possums education:
‘Gestalt breastfeeding online program’
‘How much formula milk does my baby need’
Raising Children Network:
‘ Bottle feeding’ , ‘Baby cues: video guide’
Child Health:
Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne:
Kids Health Info app - quality, up-to-date child health information
Extra support:
Parent Helpline South Australia:
1300 364 100
(cost of a local call) 24 hour parent support & advice
Women’s and Children’s Health Network:
‘Children and babies in hospital’
Baby sleep:
The Baby Friendly Initiative:
‘Caring for your baby at night’ – information on co-sleeping
Other Family Members:
We would also available to support you with your future family plans. Let us know if we can assist you with your birth control needs, or a pre-pregnancy check before you try for another baby.