Diabetes Assessment

Chronic Disease Management

Diabetes Assessment

 Diabetes Cycle of Care

1 in 10 Australians have Diabetes and it is becoming Australia's fastest developing chronic condition. In the long run Diabetes can lead to problems with the heart, kidney failure, blindness, impotence, amputations and leg ulcers. Routine check-ups of all diabetic patients to ensure good preventative care and helps avoid these complications and enables you to enjoy your health for longer so you can continue doing the things that matter to you for longer.

Diabetes Australia recommends these routine reviews even if your Diabetes is under control:
  • 3 monthly checks of blood pressure, weight and sugar levels
  • Foot and cholesterol checks (6 monthly)
  • ECG, medication and kidney checks (yearly)
  • Updating your vaccinations- fluvax (yearly) and pneumococcal vaccine (5 yearly)
  • Eye checks (1-2 yearly)
  • NDSS membership to access cheaper glucometer supplies
  • Optimising your weight, nutrition and exercise
  • Education and early identification of complications

It can be difficult to manage Diabetes and keep up your motivation on a daily basis. We can help you feel more comfortable and confident in keeping your Diabetes under control. Are you up to date with the above? If not, please call and make an appointment with your Practice Nurse and your Doctor.


Diabetics can access an annual GP Management Plan, which allows you to access subsidie Allied Health services under Medicare that will help you manage your Diabetes better. It may also be an opportunity for you to minimise your need for medication; after all, most long term illnesses are ideally controlled with healthier lifestyle changes. Remember, if you have Diabetes, your family is also at risk of the same problems - the changes you make now will also help keep your family healthier for longer.


Useful Websites
Diabetes Assessment
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